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(79) Schauwers K, Taelman H, Gillis S, Govaerts P. Phonological proficiency and accuracy of young hearing-impaired children with a cochlear implant. In: Kern, Gayraud & Marsico (Eds.) . Emergence of Linguistic Abilities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Newcastle, UK), 2008; p 156-172; 29(4): 627-637.
(78) Schauwers K, Gillis S, Govaerts P. The characteristics of prelexical babbling in hearing-impaired children after cochlear implantation between 5 and 20 months of age. Ear Hear 2008; 29(4): 627-637.(77) Claes G, Wyndaele M, De Valck C, Claes J, Govaerts P, Wuyts F, Van de Heyning P, Travelling Wave Velocity Test and Ménière's disease revisited. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2008; 265(5): 517-523.(76) Schauwers K, Govaerts PJ, Gillis S. Co-occurrence patterns in the babbling of children with a cochlear implant. In: B Davis & K Zajdo (Eds.) The Syllable in Speech Production. Taylor & Francis Group (New York), 2008; p 187-204.(75) Declau F, Van den Bogaert K, Van De Heyning P, Offeciers E, Govaerts P, Van Camp G. Phenotype-genotype correlations in otosclerosis: clinical features of OTSC2. Adv Otorhinolaryngol 2007; 65: 114-118.(74) Nuytinck L, De Meester E, Van Thielen M, Govaerts P. Role of mannose-binding lectin (MBL2) genotyping in predicting the risk of recurrent otitis media (rOM). Adv Exp Med Biol 2006; 586: 281-90.(73) Daemers K, Yperman M, De Beukelaer C, De Saegher G, De Ceulaer G, Govaerts PJ. Normative data of the A§E® discrimination and identification tests in preverbal children. Cochlear Implants International 2006; 7(2): 107-116.(72) Govaerts PJ, Daemers K, Yperman M, De Beukelaer C, De Saegher G, De Ceulaer G. Auditory speech sounds evaluation (A§E®): a new test to assess detection, discrimination and identification in hearing impairment. Cochlear Implants International 2006; 7(2): 97-106.(71) Schauwers K, Gillis S, Govaerts P. Language acquisition in children with a cochlear implant. In: P Fletcher & JF Miller (Eds.) Trends in Language Acquisition Research 4: Developmental Theory and Language Disorders. John Benjamins, Amsterdam 2005.(70) Govaerts PJ. Operatieve behandelingsmogelijkheden. In: Bijblijven "Gehoorstoornissen" 2004; 20(7): 42-50.(69) Schauwers K, Gillis S, Daemers K, De Beukelaer C, De Ceulaer G, Yperman M, Govaerts PJ. Normal hearing and language development in a deaf-born child. Otol Neurotol 2004; 25: 924-929.(68) Schauwers K, Gillis S, Daemers K, De Beukelaer C, Govaerts PJ. Cochlear implantation between 5 and 20 months of age: the onset of babbling and the audiological outcome. Otol Neurotol 2004; 25(3): 263-70.(67) Deman PR, Daemers K, Yperman M, Offeciers FE, Plasmans A, Van Dijk B, Govaerts PJ. Basic Fitting and Evaluation Parameters of a Newly Designed Cochlear Implant Electrode. Acta Oto-Laryngologica (Stockh) 2004; 124(3): 281-5.(66) Govaerts PJ, Daemers K, Schauwers K, De Beukelaer C, Yperman M, De Ceulaer G, Gillis S. Implantation précoce et/ou bilatérale. Rééducation Orthophonique 2004; 217: 31-46.(65) Fransen E, Van Laer L, Lemkens N, Caethoven G, Flothmann K, Govaerts P, Van De Heyning P, Van Camp G. A novel z-score-based method to analyze candidate genes for age-related hearing impairment. Ear Hear. 2004; 25(2):133-41(64) Cryns K, Orzan E, Murgia A, Huygen PL, Moreno F, Del Castillo I, Parker Chamberlin G, Azaiez H, Prasad S, Cucci RA, Leonardi E, Snoeckx RL, Govaerts PJ, Van De Heyning PH, Van De Heyning CM, Smith RJ, Van Camp G. A genotype-phenotype correlation for GJB2 (connexin 26) deafness. J Med Genet 2004; 41(3): 147-154.(63) De Ceulaer G, Johnson S, Yperman M, Daemers K, Offeciers FE, O'Donoghue GM, Govaerts PJ. Long-term evaluation of the effect of intracochlear steroid deposition on electrode impedance in cochlear implant patients. Otol Neurotol 2003; 24(5): 769-774.(62) Deman P, Van Dijk B, Offeciers FE, Govaerts PJ. Pitch estimation of a deeply inserted cochlear implant electrode. Int J Audiol 2004; 43: 1-6.(61) Govaerts PJ, Casselman J, Daemers K, De Beukelaer C, Yperman M, De Ceulaer G. Cochlear implants in aplasia and hypoplasia of the cochleovestibular nerve. Otol Neurotol 2003; 24(6):887-91.(60) Govaerts PJ. Audiometric tests and diagnostic workup. In: PJ Willems (Ed.) Genetic Hearing Loss. Marcel Dekker inc, New York 2004.(59) Govaerts P, Schauwers K, Gillis S. Language acquisition in very young children with a cochlear implant: introduction. In K. Schauwers & P. Govaerts & S. Gillis (Eds.), Antwerp papers in Linguistics "Language acquisition in very young children with a cochlear implant." 2002 (pp. 1-10). Antwerp: University of Antwerp.(58) Gillis S, Schauwers K, Govaerts, P. Babbling milestones and beyond: Early speech development in CI children. In K. Schauwers & P. Govaerts & S. Gillis (Eds.), Antwerp papers in Linguistics "Language acquisition in very young children with a cochlear implant." 2002. (pp. 23-40). Antwerp: University of Antwerp.(57) Schauwers K, Govaerts P, Gillis S [eds.]. Antwerp papers in Linguistics "Language acquisition in young children with a cochlear implant". 2002. Antwerpen : UA, Departement Germaanse, Afdeling Linguïstiek.(56) Govaerts PJ, De Beukelaer C, Daemers K, De Ceulaer G, Yperman M, Somers T, Schatteman I, Offeciers FE. Outcome of cochlear implantation at different ages from 0 to 6 years. Otol Neurotol 2002; 23(6): 885-90.(55) Govaerts PJ. Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss. A contribution to its detection, diagnosis and treatment. PhD thesis. University of Antwerp, Belgium, 19/9/2002.(54) Govaerts PJ, De Ceulaer G, Daemers K, Verhoeven K, Van Camp G, Schatteman I, Verstreken M, Willems PJ, Somer1s T, Offeciers FE. Clinical presentation of DFNA8-DFNA12. Adv Otorhinolaryngol 2002; 61: 60-5.(53) Vercruysse JP, Offeciers FE, Somers T, Schatteman I, Govaerts PJ. The use of malleus allografts in ossiculoplasty. Laryngoscope 2002; 112(10): 1782-4.(52) De Ceulaer G, Somers T, Offeciers FE, Govaerts PJ. Middle ear status in ears showing high admittance tympanograms. Clinical value of the use of the two-component 678 Hz oto-admittance tympanogram. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg 2002; 56(3): 313-7.(51) Somers T, Vercruysse JP, Goovaerts G, Govaerts P, Offeciers E. Isolated squamous cell carcinoma of the tympanic membrane. Otol Neurotol 2002; 23(5): 808
(50) Van Den Bogaert K, Govaerts PJ, De Leenheer EM, Schatteman I, Verstreken M, Chen W, Declau F, Cremers CW, Van De Heyning PH, Offeciers FE, Somers T, Smith RJ, Van Camp G. Otosclerosis: a genetically heterogeneous disease involving at least three different genes. Bone 2002; 30(4): 624-30.(49) Casselman JW, Offeciers EF, De Foer B, Govaerts P, Kuhweide R, Somers Th. CT and MR imaging of congenital abnormalities of the inner ear and internal auditory canal. Europ J Radiol 2001; 40(2): 94-104.
(48) G De Ceulaer, K Daemers, K Van Driessche, M Yperman, PJ Govaerts. Neonatal hearing screening with transient evoked otoacosutic emissions - retrospective analysis on performance parameters. Scand Audiol 2001; 30 Suppl 52: 109-11.(47) Th J Somers, B De Foer, P Govaerts, M Pouillon, E Offeciers. Chronic petrous apicitis with pericarotid extension into the neck in a child. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2001; 110(10): 988-91.
(46) K Van Den Bogaert, PJ Govaerts, I Schatteman, MR Brown, G Caethoven, FE Offeciers, T Somers, F De Clau, P Coucke, P Van de Heyning, R Smith, G Van Camp. A second gene for otosclerosis (OTSC2) maps to chromosome 7q34-36. Am J Human Genetics 2001; 68: 495-500.(45) PJ Govaerts, G De Ceulaer, M Yperman, K Daemers, K Van Driessche, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. A two-stage, bipodal screening model for universal neonatal hearing screening. Otol Neurotol. 2001; 22(6):850-4.(44) Th Somers, J-Ph Vercruysse, P Govaerts, E Offeciers. Giant congenital intracranial epidermoid tumor: a case report. Acta ORL Belg 2001; 55(1): 77-81.
(43) G De Ceulaer, M Yperman, K Daemers, K Van Driessche, Th Somers, FE Ofeciers, PJ Govaerts. Contralateral suppression of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions: normative data for a clinical test set-up. Otol Neurotol 2001; 22: 350-5.(42) Th Somers, J Casselman, P Govaerts, FE Offeciers. Prognostic value of MRI findings in hearing preservation surgery for vestibular schwannoma. Otol Neurotol 2001; 22(1): 87-94.
(41) Th Somers, P Govaerts, FE Offeciers. Large intrapetrous facial schwannoma presenting as a glomus tumor. Acta ORL Belg 1999; 53 (2): 137-43.
(40) Th Somers, P Govaerts, FE Offeciers. The Antwerp view in major auricular and middle ear malformations. In: Auricular and Middle Ear Malformations, Ear Defects and their Reconstruction (Ed: H Weerda, R Siegert). Kugler Publ. (The Hague) 1998, p115-22.
(39) PJ Govaerts, J Casselman, K Daemers, G De Ceulaer, S Peeters, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. Audiological Findings in the Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome. Int J Ped ORL 1999; 51: 157-164.(38) G De Ceulaer, K Daemers, K Van Driessche, S Mariën, Th Somers, FE Offeciers, PJ Govaerts. Neonatal Hearing Screening with transient evoked otoacoustic emissions: a learning curve. Audiology 1999; 38: 296-302.(37) Th Somers, J De Cubber, P Govaerts, FE Offeciers. Total auricular repair: bone anchored prosthesis or plastic reconstruction? Acta ORL Belg 1998; 52: 317-327.
(36) Th Somers, P Govaerts, FE Offeciers. The Antwerp view in major auricular and middle ear malformations. FACE 1998; 6(2): 115-121.
(35) K Verhoeven, L Van Laer, K Kirschhofer, PK Legan, DC Hughes, I Schatteman, M Verstreken, P Van Hauwe, P Coucke, A Chen, RJH Smith, T Somers, FE Offeciers, P Van de Heyning, GP Richardson, F Wachtler, WJ Kimberling, PJ Willems, PJ Govaerts, G Van Camp. Mutations in the human a-tectorin gene cause autosomal dominant non-syndromic hearing impairment. Nature Genetics 1998; 19: 60-62.(34) FE Offeciers, P Govaerts, K Daemers, C De Beukelaer, V Standaert, A Zarowski, T Somers, S Peeters. The LAURA Pediatric Cochlear Implant Program in Antwerp: what have we learnt in 5 years? Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg 1998; 52(2): 105-9.
(33) S Peeters, L Van Immerseel, A Zarowski, V Houben, P Govaerts, FE Offeciers. New developments in cochlear implants. Acta ORL Belg 1998; 52: 115-127.
(32) PJ Govaerts, G De Ceulaer, K Daemers, K Verhoeven, G Van Camp, I Schatteman, M Verstreken, PJ Willems, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. A new autosomal dominant locus (DFNA12) is responsible for a non-syndromic, mid-frequency, prelingual and non-progressive sensorineural hearing loss. Am J Otol 1998; 19(6): 718-23.(31) S Janssens de Varebeke, P Goubeau, K Beuselinck,Th Somers, FE Offeciers, PJ Govaerts. Tympano-ossicular allografts and HIV-transmission. Am J Otol 1998; 19(6): 704-8.(30) PJ Govaerts, J Raemaekers, A Verlinden, M Kalai, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. The use of antibiotic prophylaxis in ear surgery. Laryngoscope 1998; 108(1Pt1): 107-110.(29) PJ Govaerts, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. The Use of Box and Whisker plots for the graphical representation of the audiometrical results of treatment of conductive hearing loss. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surg 1998; 118(6): 892-5.(28) Th Somers, G Goovaerts, L Schelfhout, S Peeters, PJ Govaerts, FE Offeciers. Growth factors in tympanic membrane perforations. Am J Otol 1998; 19: 428-434.
(27) AGM Schilder, PJ Govaerts, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. Tympano-ossicular allografts for cholesteatoma in children. Int J Ped Otolaryngol 1997; 42: 31-40.(26) A Zarowski, H Skarzynski, S Peeters, P Govaerts, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. "Laura Flex" Cochlear Implant - Surgical Techniques. Centr East Eur J Otorhinolaryngol HNS 1997; 2: 42-51.
(25) HCPM Van Weert, AGM Schilder, PJ Govaerts (Eds.). Gehoor- en Evenwichtsstoornissen. Wetenschappelijke Uitgeverij Bunge, Utrecht 1997.
(24) Th Somers, V Houben, G Goovaerts, PJ Govaerts, FE Offeciers. Histology of the perforated tympanic membrane and its muco-epithelial junction. Clin Otolaryngol 1997; 22(2): 162-6.
(23) K Verhoeven, G Van Camp, PJ Govaerts, W Baelemans, I Schatteman, M Verstreken, L Van Laer, R JH Smith, MR Brown, PH Van De Heyning, Th Somers, FE Offeciers, PJ Willems. A Gene for Autosomal Dominant Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss (DFNA12) maps to chromosome 11q22-24. Am J Human Genetics; 1997; 60: 1168-73.(22) JW Casselman, FE Offeciers, PJ Govaerts, R Kuhweide, H Geldof, Th Somers, G D'Hont. Aplasia and hypoplasia of the vestibulocochlear nerve: Diagnosis with MR Imaging. Radiology 1997; 202: 773-81.(21) Th Somers, L Duinslaeger, B Delaey, G Verbeken, S Van Halle, D Boedts, P Govaerts, E Offeciers. Stimulation of epithelial healing in chronic postoperative otorrhea using lysophilized cultured keratinocyte lysates. Am J Otol 1997; 18(6): 702-6.
(20) Th Somers, G Verbeken, S Vanhalle, B Delaey, L Duinslaeger, A Vanderkelen, PJ Govaerts, E Offeciers. Treatment of chronic postoperative otorrhea with cultured keratinocyte sheets. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1997; 106(1): 15-21.
(19) Th Somers, P Govaerts, S Janssens de Varebeke, E Offeciers. Revision Stapes Surgery. J Laryngol Otol 1997; 111: 233-9.(18) Th Somers, D Berghmans, P Govaerts, E Offeciers. Hearing preservation surgery for acoustic neuroma. Acta ORL Belg 1996; 50: 227-35.
(17) Th Somers, G Verbeken, S Vanhalle, B Delaey, L Duinslaeger, PJ Govaerts, E Offeciers. Lysates from cultured allogeneic keratinocytes stimulate wound healing after tympanoplasty. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1996; 116: 589-93.(16) S. Janssens de Varebeke, PJ Govaerts, Th Somers, F.E. Offeciers, the "two hole" ossiculoplasty technique. Laryngoscope 1996; 106(4) : 507-10.(15) K Daemers, J Dirckx, K Van Driessche, Th Somers, FE Offeciers, PJ Govaerts.Neonatal hearing screening with otoacoustic emissions: an evaluation. Acta ORL Belg 1996; 50: 203-9.(14) JJJ Dirckx, K Daemers, K Van Driessche, Th Somers, FE Offeciers, PJ Govaerts. Numerical assessment of TOAE-screening results: currently used criteria and their effect on TOAE prevalence figures. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1996; 116: 672-9.(13) EPPM Hamans, PJ Govaerts, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. Allograft Tympanoplasty type I in the childhood population. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1996; 105(11): 871-6.(12) S Janssens de Varebeke, PJ Govaerts, J Casselman, W Van Rompaey, A Van Langenhove, Th Somers, FE Offeciers. The LAURA Multichannel cochlear implant in a true Mondini dysplasia. Eur Arch ORL 1996; 253: 301-4.(11) Th Somers, PJ Govaerts, Th Marquet, E Offeciers. Statistical analysis of otosclerosis surgery performed by J Marquet. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1994; 103(12): 945-951.(10) Th Somers, J De Cubber, K Daemers, PJ Govaerts, FE Offeciers. The Bone Anchored Hearing Aid and Auricular Prosthesis. Acta Otolaryngol Belg 1994; 48(4): 343-9.
(9) PJ Govaerts, CWRJ Cremers, ThF Marquet, FE Offeciers. The persistent stapedial artery: does it prevent successful surgery? Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1993; 102(9): 724-728.(8) P.J. Govaerts, P. van den Broek, F.H.M. Corstens, H.M. Peters. Carcinoid of the larynx. Eur J Cancer 1992; 28A (10): 1755-1758.(7) PJ Govaerts, J Claes, PH Van De Heyning, M-P Derde, L Kaufmann, JFE Marquet, ME De Broe. Effect of isepamicin dosing scheme on cochlear tissue concentration. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1991; 35(11): 2401-2406.(6) P.J. Govaerts. 'A sandwich technique for embedding cell cultures'. In: A.W. Robards , A.J. Wilson (Eds.) Procedures in Electron Microscopy. Module 5:3 p20-22. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester 1993.
(5) P.J. Govaerts. Aminoglycoside induced ototoxicity. Effect of isepamicin dosing scheme on cochlear tissue concentration. Thesis Master's degree, 1990. University of Brussels.
(4) J. Claes, P.J. Govaerts, P.H. Van De Heyning, S. Peeters. Lack of ciprofloxacin ototoxicity after repeated ototopical application. An experimental animal study. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1991; 35(5): 1014-1016.(3) P.J. Govaerts, J. Claes, P.H. Van de Heyning, Ph. G. Jorens, J. Marquet, M.E. De Broe. Aminoglycoside induced ototoxicity. Review. Toxicology Letters 1990; 52: 227-251.(2) P.J. Govaerts, W.A. Jacob, J. Marquet. Histological Study of the Thin Replacement Membrane of Human Tympanic Membrane Perforations. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1988; 105: 297-302.(1) P.J. Govaerts, I.I. Bernaert, M.V.L. Du Caju, W.A. Jacob. A simplified 'sandwich' technique for in situ embedding and perpendicular sectioning of monolayer cultures of human skin fibroblasts. J Microsc 1987; 147(2): 209-12.